Retail market in Czech Republic has undergone significant development in recent years, and retail sales are constantly rising. Many important chains from all over the world to local companies operate on the market. Among the most successful local retail companies in the Czech Republic are the companies Alza.cz, Internet Mall (Mall.cz), Velká Pecka (rohlik.cz) or perhaps the HP Tronic group. The largest foreign players include Schwarz Group (Lidl, Kaufland), Ahold Delhaize (Albert CR), REWE (Billa, Penny Market) or Tesco. The current retail market in the Czech Republic is highly diversified with very fragmented market shares. We can mention the following retail chains as the most important players in the field of retail in the Czech Republic.
The most important grocery stores in the Czech Republic:
- Kaufland
- Albert ČR
- Penny Market
- Tesco Stores
- Makro Cash & Carry
- Billa
- Globus
- Rohlik.cz
- JIP Východočeská
- Hruška
- Coop/Jednota
- družstvo CBA
- Norma
- Bala
- Brněnka
- Enapo
- Můj obchod
- Pramen
- Qanto
- Sklizeno
- Žabka
The most important consumer electronics retailers in the Czech Republic:
- Alza.cz
- Mall.cz, CZC.cz
- Fast ČR, Planeo
- Datart, HP Tronic, Euronics, Proton
- NAY, Electroworld
- TS Bohemia
The most important furniture retailers in the Czech Republic:
- Jysk
- Möbelix, XXX Lutz
The most important tobacco retailers in the Czech Republic:
- Peal
- Geco
- Lagardere Travel Retail
The most important drugstores in the Czech Republic:
- Rossmann
- dm drogerie markt
- Teta drogerie
The most important book retailers in the Czech Republic:
- Academia
- Kanzelsberger
- Knihy Dobrovský
- Neoluxor
The most important DYI retailers in the Czech Republic:
- Hornbach
- Bauhaus
- Mountfield
- UNI hobby
- Baumax
- Stavebniny DEK
- Ptáček
The most important ecommerce companies in the Czech Republic:
- Alza.cz
- Mall.cz
- Rohlik.cz
- Kosik.cz
Retail is one of the most important sectors in the economy. Retailers are responsible for selling goods and services to consumers. There are many different types of retail businesses in the Czech Republic. The most common ones are grocery stores, consumer goods stores, clothing stores, consumer electronics stores, furniture stores, book stores, toy stores, and lately, the number of pet stores is also growing significantly.